Spine Care


Sushrut  Ayurvedic Speciality Treatments for Slip Disc – Disc Bulge  (Asthimajjagat Vata)

Our rich heritage has answers to all the ailments and physical problems. The thousands of years old ayurvedic scriptures provide a detailed insight into slip disc or Grudrasi and have described an elaborate ayurvedic treatment for slip disc. Along with ayurvedic treatment for slip disc, you can consult the experienced and expert  Ayurveda doctors at Sushrut Ayurved Hospital for ayurvedic treatment for disc bulge.

Ayurveda categorized Slip disc-Grudrasi as one of diseases caused by vitiation Vata (one of the principle dosha in the body, responsible for the movement and functionality of the body). Treatment in Ayurveda is aimed at restoring the equilibrium through correction of the underlying functional in-equilibrium. Ayurvedic treatment for Slip disc concentrates on bringing back the aggravated Vata to the state of equilibrium and thereby to the state of health. In Ayurveda we are providing very effective and most successful treatment for Slip disc or herniated disc (Grudrasi). With our vast experience in treating Spine related conditions, today we are successfully dealing even post    surgical recurrence cases .

The treatment comprises of   Detoxification and Rejuvenation through Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy. administration of researched medicines internally. The therapies like Abhyanga, Swedam, Nasyam, Patra Potala Swedam, Choorna Pinda Swedam, Pizhichil, Shirodhara, Kateebasthy, Greevabasthy, Navarakizhi, Basti etc. are done as per the necessity and condition. These therapies are directed towards relieving the inflammatory changes, releasing the spasms and nerve compressions in the affected area, strengthening the supportive tissues holding the spine, nourishing the joints through improving the circulation. Usually the treatment period is 2 – 3 weeks according to the severity of the diseases.

We have seen a rise in the number of patients arriving for ayurvedic treatment for slip disc since the beginning of the new millennium. The changes in lifestyle and working culture have been causative for this physical ailment. A systematic analysis of the patient and study of the body structure is essential to identify the cause and derive the best ayurvedic treatment for slip disc and ayurvedic treatment for disc bulge.

Sushrut Ayurveda Hospital uses herbal medicines, oils and exclusively prepared ayurvedic treatment methods for slip disc. The in-house prepared medicines and oils are highly effective and pure. That will neither lead to any kind of side effects nor will cause other problems. The patient will be healthy and rejuvenated to perform the jobs as earlier, after the complete course of treatment for slip disc at our clinic.

We follow an indigenously organized course for the ayurvedic treatment for disc bulge and slip disc. The treatment procedure will primarily have the following steps.

  • Abhyanga – Massages with medicated oil and herbal concoctions are proven effective in the ayurvedic treatment of slip disc. This will pave the way for complete curing of the body problem.
  •  Swedana – The process, Swedana, will be instrumental in relaxing the body and re-energizing it. This is primarily a body heating medical treatment that will strengthen the cells and make the patient feel better.
  • Shodhana – Shodhana will help in expelling toxic substances from the body. It will detoxify the body and purify it. The person will feel rejuvenated after the treatment method.

Further, ayurvedic treatment  processes for the patient will include Nasyam and Basti. The complete course would be prepared only after analysing the physical condition, the status or severity of doshas, familial history and other relevant aspects by the panel of doctors at the clinic.

Sushrut Ayurveda  has been curing patients with slip disc and disc prolapse issues since long. Our ayurvedic experts along with the team medical professionals, employ a proven ayurveda disc prolapse treatment and slip disc treatment method. We don’t stake false claims. All our statements are based on successful treatment of the patients.

The ayurvedic treatment for slip disc and disc bulge ayurveda treatment, pursued by Our Ayurved Physician , has been formulated after years of exhaustive research and analysis based on the ayurvedic scriptures. Therefore, the efficacy of the treatment is guaranteed. You can consult our experienced Ayurveda doctors to know more about the ailment and the course of treatment. Each person is different, so is his or her physical and medical condition. We derive a treatment methodology after examining the patient only. Rather than advising the same course of medication and diet control for each one.

The custom tailored ayurvedic treatment for slip disc will remove the ailment completely and re- energize the person completely, to perform all the duties as earlier. We have become the leading Ayurveda centre in Marathwada   for various medical problems, through result-oriented and effective treatment processes. You can reach out to us to know more about the ayurvedic treatment for disc bulge, slip disc and other medical issues.

To  book an appointment or schedule a meeting, contact us  now.



Cervical spondylosis is an age-related degenerative condition of bones, cartilages and disc causing wear and tear of the spinal discs in the neck. The condition is common in middle-aged and elderly people causing spinal discs dehydration and shrinkage affecting the flexibility of the neck joint movement.

Ayurveda, the treatment method that has an indelible connection with India, has herbal medicines available for almost all of the ailments. The thousands of years old ayurvedic scriptures have solutions for Cervical Spondylosis as well. You will be completely healthy after ayurvedic treatment for neck pain.

Ayurveda considers that the loss of equilibrium among the three doshas (toxins) Vata, Pitta, and Kapha is what causes medical issues. Cervical Spondylosis is observed to be due to the increased state of Vata dosha. Therefore, Ayurvedic treatment for Cervical Spondylosis focuses on eliminating the excessive state of Vata dosha.

Are You Vulnerable to this Medical Problem?

Although any person can be affected by this disease, some are more prone or vulnerable. The doctor will analyze the patient and ascertain the exact cause before prescribing Ayurvedic treatment for cervical spondylosis. Ayurveda always aims at 100% removal of the disease. Pursuing the advised herbal medicine, diet control and physical activity judiciously will be vital for eliminating the problem at the root level. You must obey the directives for ayurvedic treatment for neck pain to have a fulfilling effect.

The people who are more vulnerable to cervical spondylosis than others are:

  • IT professionals, office staff and all the other employees, who sit for long hours continuously
  • Those with a sedentary lifestyle
  • Old-aged individual
  • People, who had neck injuries
  • Head load workers, railway porters, and those in a similar profession, wherein they have to lift heavy loads on a daily basis
  • Sitting in a wrong posture for long hours daily
  • Those who have metabolism-related issues
  • Genetic Factors
  • Those facing hormonal disorder such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Thyroid imbalance individuals

The ayurvedic treatment for cervical spondylosis will be decided after confirming the root cause of the issue only. Our panel of expert Ayurveda doctors will investigate the medical condition towards pinpointing the root, from where the medical ailment has originated. Subsequently formulating the most effective ayurvedic treatment for neck pain.

Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis

Common symptoms associated with Cervical Spondylosis include:

  • Severe pain, stiffness and numbness in the neck area radiating towards the upper limbs
  • Narrowing of the space in the spinal canal
  • Weakness in the hands
  • Headache
  • Loss of balance
  • Unable to control bladder or bowels
  • Grinding sensation while moving neck

According to Ayurveda, aggravation of Vata is the main cause of degeneration of tissues and the joints of the neck. Various factors can lead to the degenerative condition including cool and gas-forming foods, astringent foods, long meal gaps, smoking and low consumption of food. The risk of developing cervical spondylosis increases with age. Several physical conditions like prolonged sitting can put excess strain and pressure on the neck joint increasing the risk of bone erosion and low bone density. If left untreated, the situation can worsen causing more complicated conditions like a herniated discs.

The root causes that result in Cervical Spondylosis are:

  1. Discs Dehydration – Discs are the components found in Vertebrae Column. It functions as a shock absorber to absorb the load on the backbone. However, with aging, hereditary conditions or due to any of the aforesaid reasons, the disc starts drying out. Consequently, the disc turns thin resulting in friction between bone segments. This adverse condition of the vertebral column causes cervical spondylosis. The ayurvedic treatment for cervical spondylosis in such a condition will be a combination of herbal medicines, oils, and specially formulated treatment procedures.
  2. Discs Herniation – Herniation or bulging of the disc can happen due to age, heavy workloads, or other reasons. This will compress the backbone (vertebrae), as well as, the nerves around it, leading to acute pain and further complications. The herniated disc has to be cured for gaining maximum result from ayurvedic treatment for neck pain.
  3. Bone Projection or Bone Spur – The bone projection in the backbone can be due to wear and tear of the disc, joint damage due to Osteoarthritis. and so on. An experienced Ayurveda doctor can assess the cause and suggest the best ayurvedic treatment method to cure cervical spondylosis completely.
  4. Stiffness in Ligaments – The ligament may turn stiff due to age, strain, sprain or medical conditions like Fibromyalgia. This can be causative for cervical spondylosis or neck pain.


The doctor conducts a physical and clinical examination to locate the source of pain by checking the range of motion in the neck and tests the reflexes and muscle strength. For more detailed diagnosis an MRI scan is recommended to understand the condition.

The Ayurveda doctor will also check for the way you walk (gait), inspect the neck and shoulder to locate the trigger points. He or she will check for small bumps or knots in the shoulder and neck area that may have caused the problem. The ayurvedic treatment for cervical spondylosis is prescribed only after a thorough analysis of the patient and confirmation of the root cause.

You can  consult Sushrut Ayurveda today, to have a generic idea about the methodology followed at our clinic for ayurvedic treatment of neck pain, the course of ayurvedic treatment etc.

Sushrut Hospital’s- Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis

(Neck Pain)

Ayurveda aims in bringing in harmony and balance of the doshas in the body. Imbalance in the vata is considered as the main cause of any kind of irregularity in the body’s vital functions affecting the daily routines. At Sushrut, the ayurveda specialist diagnoses and finds out the abnormality in the body caused and tailors treatment plans that help to pacify the aggravated Vata. Along with the treatment plan, proper meal plans and physical activities are also incorporated for faster and better treatment results.

In cases of cervical spondylosis, the Ayurveda specialist tailors customized treatment plans according to the health condition of the patient. The aggravated vata are balanced through various combinations of Ayurvedic decoctions and with a proper and adequate diet plan to improve digestion and enhance the digestive fire. The administration of herbal medicines fastens the body tissue rejuvenation followed by panchakarma massage therapy to help the body get back to a state of balance and harmony.

The treatment plan also includes Ayurvedic therapies for stress relief ,yoga, asana and medications that help complete body and mind rejuvenation Ayurveda panchkarma therapies for treating cervical spondylosis include Abhyanga swedam, Elakizhi, Nasyam, Shirovasti or shirodhara, Sarvangadhara, Greeva vasti, Navara kizhi, Pizhichil etc to relieve pain, inflammation of muscles and ligaments and to improve the flexibility of neck bone joints. All treatment therapies are managed to depend upon the condition of the patient and severity of the disease. Sushrut Ayurveda follows a comprehensive ayurvedic treatment process for cervical spondylosis. This is envisaged to cure the ailment completely and revitalize the patient. Thereby, making him or her as healthy as previously. Our expert ayurvedic team, including doctors and medical professionals, is dedicated to the wellness of the patient.

To discuss your condition and to know more about Ayurvedic treatment options for cervical spondylosis and treatment cost,   book an appointment or Contact us now.







Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a very common orthopaedic issue experienced by many people. Ayurvedic treatment for back pain adopts a holistic approach to cure disease treating the vitiated tri-doshas. The lumbar region of the spinal cord or the lower back portion is a complex structure with interconnected bones, nerves, ligaments and muscles. These body parts work in tandem with each other to provide flexibility and mobility. Since the lower back area has many parts working together, even a minor injury or shock can cause problems.

The lower back supports the heavy upper body and the vertebral column. Besides, the lumbar region helps in sensory aspects of the pelvic region, legs and feet and also strengthens the muscles of the subject area. Ayurvedic treatment for back pain aims not only curing the problem but also overall health improvement and strengthening of muscles of the individual, helping the patient to live a healthy and rejuvenated life after the Ayurveda treatment.

Symptoms of lower back pain

When it comes to Sushrut Hospital for  Ayurvedic treatment for back pain, our Ayurvedic physician will prescribe the treatment only after performing a thorough diagnosis of its reasons and symptoms. Identifying the peculiar symptoms could be helpful for the doctor to prescribe you the customised ayurvedic treatment for back pain. You may observe the type of pain, the area it occurs and occasions if any. The common symptoms for the lower back pain include the following:

  • Tingling, numb or sharp sensation that begins at the lower back. It travels down towards thighs/ legs/ feet. This type of pain is also called Sciatica
  • Dull type of pain that remains at the lower back portion itself. This can affect the free movement of the individual, resulting in spasms in the pelvic area or hip and stooped posture in an attempt to reduce the pain
  • Pain arising after prolonged sitting. A short walk or body movements can temporarily reduce the pain. However, the pain will return once you sit down again. The load affecting the discs during sitting is the reason for the pain
  • Pain in the morning. This is due to long hours of immobility or rest. Such pain will be high in the morning and will reduce as you start moving around and working

The type and severity of pain will vary from person to person. Hence, the ayurvedic treatment method for back pain and course period will be prepared only after examining the patient. A thorough understanding of the individual, the nature of the job, past injuries and all other aspects that will be beneficial for the treatment will be discussed.

Causes of lower back pain

Back pain develops due to excessive strain or pressure on the lower back while performing certain activities or due to an injury. Although there are many other medical and physical conditions that lead to lower back pain, the aforesaid are the most common causes.

The other reasons include:

  • Strain in the muscle or ligament due to repeated heavy lifting
  • A sudden movement straining back muscles and spinal ligaments
  • Bulging or ruptured disks
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Skeletal irregularities
  • Improper posture
  • Osteoporosis
  • Spondylitis caused by severe inflammation of the spinal discs



The doctor will take a detailed history of the symptoms, perform thorough physical examination and order necessary investigations to reach a proper diagnosis. A customized treatment plan will be then made based on the diagnosis and other patient characteristics.

The patient’s type of work, the posture of sitting whilst at work, also can be a reason for the lower back pain. The Ayurveda doctor will seek a detailed input about the patient’s lifestyle, dietary preferences, daily travel information and so on for ascertaining the exact cause towards formulating the treatment plans and medicines.

He or she will be asked about injuries in the past that may have a relation to the lower back pain. The first occurrence of the current problem needs to be confirmed for ascertaining the duration of the issue. The patient can also provide any other relevant information that can be beneficial for the treatment. A comprehensive report about the individual, his or her familial history and other requisite data will be prepared. The treatment will be finalised based on the data.

Kerala Ayurvedic Treatment for Back Pain

 ( Lower Back Pain)    (Katigatavata)

Kerala Ayurvedic treatment for lower back pain is administered with herbal massages, Ayurvedic medication, yoga, and other strict diet plans to strengthen the bones and muscles. At Sushrut Ayurveda Hospital, the ayurvedic treatment for lower back pain or Kati shoola is planned according to the dosha predominance in the body and the underlying cause. Treatment procedures include Panchakarma therapies, herbal decoctions, external herbal pack applications and few instructions to be adopted in the diet plan.

Few therapies that are included in the treatment plan like

  • Abhyanga – Abhyanga or warm oil massage is done all over the body, focussing the lower back area. This treatment method will energize body cells
  • Swedana – The steam made of herbals will be used to sweating out and expelling toxins from the body.
  • Dhanyamla Dhara – This is a unique feature of ayurvedic therapy. The warm herbal liquid will be poured on to the affected area as part of this method.
  • Podikizhi – Podikizhi is a kind of massage using powdered herbs tied in a cotton cloth. This is an important part of ayurvedic treatment for back pain
  • Elakizhi – This procedure uses leaves that have Vata pacifying properties. The patient is made to sweat by the application of Elakizhi on his/ her body.
  • Pizhichil – A kind of squeezing massage, Pizhichil consists of oil therapy and heat therapy.     Pizhichi will be done for 7-21 days depending on the degree of the ailment.
  • Basti – Basti is the method for expelling doshas from the body. Special herbal medicines will be passed into the body through the anus or vaginal canal to expel toxins
  • Navarakizhi – This ayurvedic treatment method for back pain is done using medicated rice. The therapy will help in loosening the stiffened muscles, relieving pain and improving blood circulation
  • Kati Basti – Herbal medicated oil at a lukewarm temperature will be kept over the lumbosacral area for a certain period of time as part of Kati Vasti.
  • Pichu – A thick layer of cotton cloth is bandaged around the affected area. The cloth will be soaked in warm medicated oil. The oil will be replaced frequently.

The treatment plans are tailored as the patient condition including the severity and nature of the disease. Ayurvedic treatment therapies may range between 3 – 4 weeks depending on individuals cases to attain maximum recovery with the treatment phase. The recovery could be expedited with the doctors and medical staff providing utmost care to the patient. Amendments to treatment methods also need to be undertaken depending on the progress of the patient.

The efficacy of ayurvedic treatment for back pain will depend on the experience of the Ayurveda doctors too. The doctor must assess the health condition, nature of the body and intensity of the lower back pain correctly. The formulation of the treatment method will solely depend on the doctor’s assessment. Sushrut ayurveda has experienced Ayurveda doctors Our doctors discuss the course and nature of treatment among the team, before prescribing the same to the patient.

At Sushruta Ayurveda, we provide safe and effective herbal treatment plans that are customized as per individual patient condition to treat and recover from mild to severe lower back pain. We ensure a complete recovery from the condition and rejuvenate the body, mind and soul to feel a better individual. Along with the best medical infrastructure and medical utilities, we provide services from expert doctors and staff for all-round care and support to the patients. To know more about ayurvedic treatment for lower back pain and treatment cost,  book an appointment now.


The doctor will take a detailed history of the symptoms, perform thorough physical examination and order necessary investigations to reach a proper diagnosis. A customized treatment plan will be then made based on the diagnosis and other patient characteristics.

The patient’s type of work, the posture of sitting whilst at work, also can be a reason for the lower back pain. The Ayurveda doctor will seek a detailed input about the patient’s lifestyle, dietary preferences, daily travel information and so on for ascertaining the exact cause towards formulating the treatment plans and medicines.

He or she will be asked about injuries in the past that may have a relation to the lower back pain. The first occurrence of the current problem needs to be confirmed for ascertaining the duration of the issue. The patient can also provide any other relevant information that can be beneficial for the treatment. A comprehensive report about the individual, his or her familial history and other requisite data will be prepared. The treatment will be finalised based on the data.





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