


We offer two types of treatments :

  • Samana (Curative therapy)
  • Sodhana (Purificatory therapy)

Samana Therapy:- There are 3 humours/bio-energies – Vata, Pitta, Kapha – which makes the body constitution and controls the biophysical functions of the body. Curative therapy aims at balancing the vitiated bio-energies using various herbal and mineral medicines and non-medical therapies.

Sodhana Therapy:- Purificatory therapies are indicated in the cases which vitiation of the bio-energies, goes beyond a particular level give rise to endo-toxins which will be accumulated in various parts of the body in turn cause diseases.

Therapeutic bio-elimination is a group of purification process known as PANCHAKARMAS.

  • Vamankarma : Therapeutic emesis for the elimination of vitiated Kapha doshas
  • Virechanakarma : Therapeutic purgation for vitiated pita doshas
  • Bastikarma : Medicated retention enema for vitiated Vata doshas especially in various nerve cells.
  • Nasyakarma : Medication for vitiated Kapha doshas accumulated in head and neck related organs especially the brain and spinal cord.
  • Raktamokshana  : Bloodletting to eliminate stagnant impure blood of the region.

All these processes purify the body at cellular level. This micro-level elimination of accumulated vitiated doshas result in an enhancement of metabolic enzymes and cleansing of toxins and thereby the preventive, curative and rejuvenating effects in the body.

Bio-purificatory (panchakarma) therapy has three stages : 

  • PURVA KARMAS :- Pre-operative medication
  • SHODHANA KARMAS :- Elimination therapy
  • PASCHAT KARMAS :- Post elimination care

PURVA KARMAS :- Pre-operative preparation for Panchakarmas.

Before each purification therapy, the body has to be processed in a special way by :

  • Snehana : Oil therapy
  • Swedana : Sudation therapy


External/internal medication with oil/ghee/fat/bone marrow. These may be medicated/non medicated as prescribed by the physician, observing the condition of the patient and the disease.

External oil therapies are various type of oil applications – massages, percolation treatments, Pooling treatments etc.

Abhyanga (Massage Therapy)   :

Medicated oil massage to the Whole body with specific pressure and direction.

Benefits -It helps to reduce physical and mental stress of daily life,   induces sound sleep. It nourishes the skin as well as cleanses it, so it enhance the natural colour  , complexion & beauty .It improves function of the heart and circulation .It is having action on the all systems of the body i.e. Nervous, Respiratory, Lymphatic & Reproductive Systems etc.

Padabhyanga (Foot Massage)


Internal ghee/oil… therapy is done by giving them orally at increasing  doses named as Snehapanam, to saturate the body as a pre-purification process.

These are also given in moderate doses as curative medication.
Snehana denature and destroy the chemical bond of the disease-producing vitiated doshas present at the cellular level in the body fluids, which may be in the form of harmful proteins, allergens, unmetabolized or partially metabolized nutrients.

SWEDANA:[ medicated steam bath] –

Sudation therapy The process of   perspiration of the whole body by medicated steam  it  includes profuse sweating. The modalities used are steam, percolation, bolus massage, poultice and non-thermal modalities like sunbath, covering the body with woollen/leather devices, exercise, hot drinks etc. This therapy helps to dilute, detoxify and dissolve the vitiated doshas in the body fluids and process them ready to separate from the tissue level.

Benefits -It removes stiffness, haviness and coldness of the body, after massasge therapy   , body fomentation must be adopted to regulate the movement of blood circulation , extra and intra cellular fluids of the body ,without any obstruction. It enhances the nutrition to the cell and evacuates the waste toxic material. It is very effective in Arthritis  , obesity, fatigue, neuromuscular and spine problems

After these  preparation, the given medication for elimination creates a sudden biological change inducing stimulation to increase the tissue fluids and produce a forceful urge for elimination through the guts, for which action it is given for Vamanam, Virechanam, Basti, Nasyam, Rakthamokshana.

Sodhana Therapies (Panchakarma ) [ Complete Bio – purification of body]

VAMANAKARMA  (Drug induced Vomiting) :

The process in which toxins in the body those are eliminated through mouth in classical and systemic way, Therapeutic emesis is conducted in Kapha  & Pitta dominant diseases. The body is saturated with medicated ghee as a pre-purificatory therapy. After the steam bath and other preparation, emetic medicine is administrated orally. The bio-toxic morbid are expelled through vomitus. It cleans the upper GIT and respiratory tract.

Benefits-It is very effective in various types of allergies , chronic asthma ,bronchitis, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, APD,  Chronic skin disease-eczema ,psoriasis, epilepsy, infertility, obesity, DM etc.

It is advice for healthy person in VASANT RUTU (15th Feb to 15 April) to maintain health.

VIRECHAN KARMA (Drug induced purgation)

:-  The process in which toxins in the bodyI those are eliminated through Anal route in classic and systematic manner, which are produced by pitta doshas.It cleans the small intestine.

After the pre-operative preparation of the patient strong purgatives according to the diseases is given orally.

It is indicated in Chronic Skin diseses, Acid Peptic Diseases ,constipation, DM, jaundice, stomatitis, dandruff, infertility, etc

It is advisible for healthy preson in SHARAD RUTU(15th oct to 15 Dec)

Bastikarma :- (Medicated enema)

Basti is a treatment by the administration of emulsified herbal oil, ghee, polyherbal preparations(decoctions) and other medicaments prescribed, to the large intestine through the anal outlet, by a special device. This therapy act on the enteric nervous system located in the sheets of tissue lining in the large intestine. This, in turn, influences the central nervous system thereby immune system.

It is an important treatment in panchakarma for purification or elimination of the toxins and nutrition of the body, basically these toxins produced by vitiated vata doshas. Basti is having action over all systems of the body

Benefits :- It is very effective in all types of arthritis, vertebral disc lesion (PID, slip disc, sciatica) osteoporosis, Irritable bowel syndrome , hemiplegia ,myopathyetc.

Uttarbasti -(intra Urethral/Intra Uterine medication)

In male- Urinary Tract Infections, urethral stricture, infertility, Benign Enlargement of Prostate.

In female-Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, tubal block, menstrual disease .

Basti has got a prime place in the ayurvedic methods of treatment and referred as the HALF MEDICINE IN THE AYURVEDA.

It is advisible for healthy person in VARSHA RUTU (15 th Jan to 15 Aug ).

Nasya karma (Nasal Insufflation)

In this treatment various herbal juice, herbal powders or medicated oils/ghees are administrated through the nose. this treatment is for the purification of head and neck.

It is highly effective in treating headaches, migraine, chronic skin diseases. chronic sinusitis ,rhinitis, and, vertebral disc lesion ,hair fall, epilepsy, hemiplegia facial palsy ,lock jaw, frozen shoulder and various psychiatric and neurological disorders etc.

Nasya is also known for improving the intellect of an individual.

Rakthamokshana: (Blood Letting): 

Morbid blood  ( impure blood) which causes diseases is eliminated by various methods namely  siravedha (venesection), jaloukavacharan (leech application ) is basically mean for purification of the blood and to treat blood related disorders ,skin diseases, hypertension.


The use of leech in the treatment of many skin disease is now well known and accepted all over the is very effective in eczema, vitiligo, non   healing ulcers, various veins, pigment disorders, haematomas  , Deep Venous Thrombosis, Coronary Artery Disease, etc.

Cupping therapy:

All these five purification therapies are very effective to eliminate and purify the morbid bio-toxins of the body in the process of curing the disease.

PASCHAT KARMA — Post elimination care
This includes :

  • Alleviative therapy to relieve the stress of the purification process
  • Therapeutic diet (Sansarjankrama) and rest to regain strength and vitality.


  • Special non-medical treatments :- fasting, sunbath, exercise, exposure to fresh air, digestives, appetizers, thirst control etc
  • Therapeutic diet and lifestyle
  • Internal and external medication
  • Mild purification measures

These are indicated for children, pregnant women, weak and old aged and when the disease is  in mild stage.

Benefits of Panchakarma Therapies:

  • Removes the root cause of many diseases.
  • Balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas.
  • Enhance your immune system.
  • Rejuvenate and balances body’s systems.
  • Remove disease-causing accumulated toxins.
  • Boost physical and mental competence.
  • Get better skin complexion.
  • Helping in losing extra weight
  • Help ease anxiety and mental issues.
  • Increases stamina
  • Increases the flexibility of joints

At Sushrut  Ayurveda Hospital, we provide mind and body healing and detoxification Panchakarma procedures that are customized as per individual condition to treat, recover and rejuvenate the body’s vital systems without any side effects. To know more about Panchakarma treatment plans and treatment cost, book an appointment now.


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