Institute of Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine

IAIM is an Autonomous board under the aegis of SDSP Trust. Registered under Charity Commissioner, Govt. of Maharashtra, with Societies Registration Act ( Regd. No. LTR/ 10920/ 2000) and Bombay Public Trust Act (Regd. No. F-11042/ LTR/ 2002)




  • To promote the knowledge of Ayurveda and different systems of medicines.
  • To institute due recognition to successful condition by providing opportunity to realize their full potential by offering prizes, awards.
  • To represent the cause of evidence based Ayurveda providing hands on training to Ayurveda Graduates, Post Graduates &Post Doctorates in the form of certificate or Fellowship Courses.
  • To organize workshops, seminars, Symposia CME’S, in various branches of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicines.
  • To Undertake academic work in Ayurveda of National and International importance.
  • To establish and conduct the Training ,advisory ,consultancy or research centres in various places of India.
  • To publish the literature of Ayurveda classics, textbooks, magazines and research journals.