Vd. Shital N Jadhav

Vd. Shital N Jadhav (Ghorband)

Qualification:  BAMS, MSc(Clinical Research),  MD(DG) PhD (Scho)

Fellow in Panchkarma (Kerala), Fellow in Garbhasanskar.

vdshitaldg@gmail.com                   www.sdspindia.org


Designation :      Assistant  Professor

Dept. of Dravyaguna, Dhanwantari Ayurveda College & Hospital, Udgir, Dist. Latur (MH).

Consultant Physician  : Sushrut Ayurveda Hospital & Research Center, Udgir.

She received BAMS degree from NKJAMC, Bidar, RGUHS Bengluru, in 2003 and MSc (Clinical Research)) degree from SVV- Udgir,   SRTMU, Nanded, in 2014. And also MD (Dravyaguna) degree from , Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Benaguluru in 2019,also received Post Graduate Training Program  in  Garbhasanskara  (Antenatal program) from  National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur,in2021.

She completed Reorientation Training Program in Panchakarma Therapies in Kaumarabhritya ( Pediatrics &   OBGY).Sponsored by  Dept. of AYUSH,GOI, New Delhi & organized by GAC, Thiruananthapuram (Kerala)  in 2009.

She received specialised Training in Ayurvedic Proctology(Anorectal   Disorders) & Panchkarma Therapy, from Tilak Ayurveda College, Pune  in 2010,Sponsored by Dept. of AYUSH, GOI, New Delhi.

She has been contributing in the field of Ayurveda in different facets i. e.  Clinical, Research, Promotion and Publication since last 15 years.

She has to her credit more than 9 publications in different National &International peer reviewed   research journals.

She presented her Clinical research work in different National /International conferences.


1).“ Clinical Study on Management of Sciatica w.s.r. to Gradhrasi by Ayurvedic Basti Therapy” This  project was submitted  to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University(SRTMU), Nanded(MH) in fulfillment of Post Graduate Degree  i.e. MSc (Clinical Research) in 2015.

  1. “An analytical and Comparative Clinical Study of Pippali [piper longum linn] and Vardhaman Pippali Rasayana in Kaphavruta WSR to Hypothyroidis .

The Project was submitted   to  Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences , Bangaluru in fulfillment of Post Graduate Degree i.e. MD(Dravyguna ).in 2019.

Publication Type-Journal Article.

Year of Publication Authors &Title
2020 Narayan Jadhav, Shital Ghorband, ”Quality Assurance in Medical Education in India : Perspectives, Challenges and Recommendations “


2018 Shital Ghorband, Dhullapa Mehetre, Narayan Jadhav,” Utility of Ethnopharmacology & Ethnomedicine in Ayurveda, International journal of Recent trends in Science & Technology, ICRAFHN, Special issue,2018 p.122-124.
2017 Narayan Jadhav, Shital Ghorband,”Aetiopathogenesis, Prevention &Management of Hypertension-An Ayurvedic View,” International Journal Comlementary & Alternative Medicine
2016 Narayan Jadhav, Shital Ghorband, Shrikant  Ghorband, ”Ayurved Panchakarma ; A Panacea for Chronic Disease” Medicina Interna,


2015 Narayan Jadhav, Shital Ghorband, Comprehensive Ayurvedic Management of   Ankylosing  Spondylitis, Proceedings of National Seminar on Auto-Immune Disorders Ayurvedic Therapies and Management, by National Academy of Ayurveda,(RAV) ,Ministry of AYUSH, GOI, New Delhi Publication.


2013 N. Jadhav, S. Jadhav(Ghorband), Medicinal Plants Used in Ayurveda Panchakarma , Published in Proceedings of National Conference on Conservation of Medicinal Plants &Their Utilization. Special issue. Vol.2



2013 Narayan Jadhav, Shital Jadhav(Ghorband), Rheumatological Disorders in Ayurveda(Abstract) Journal of Alternative &Integrative Medicine, 2013,4(10),


2012 Narayan Jadhav, Shital N. Jadhav, Efficacy of comprehensive Ayurveda management of vertebral discs lesions by Panchakarma therapies &herbo-mineral Formulations (Abstract) Ancient Science of Life, 2012 Dec,32(Suppl.1): S17,(ISSN: 0257-7941).